Tuesday, December 21, 2010

PG= 100
THough crisising, made it through class today.  Made efforts not to explode during the discussion of symbolism in Angels In America.  Very much appreciated the discussion with Hope and Katelin.

Theatre Journal:
Stayed after today to rehearse with Zaynah, Kiana, and Hana.

 Dance Journal:
I can't even remember what we did today.  I know I helped with remembering the washer woman's bronle and the Z-minuet.  There was some choreography in there.  And some modern technique.  And an ab workout which I think I'm getting worse at.  I've not been eating well.  Or sleeping well.  Or basically healthing well.

Gabe Journal:
Dude, I'm not sure if I can handle having my dad around until January 8.  And my brother.  I'm going fucking nuts.  My brother talks like a robot, and my dad is just colossally boring and cerebral.  And I have no me-time.  I did not know my dad would be staying with me.  I thought he was finding places to stay.  I can't take three more weeks of this.  Something has to change.  I don't know what yet, but something.

I swear, this is for last night

PG= 100

Spent an hour and a half re-teaching the galliard.  Worked on my gimmick for She Stoops.  Got my partner switched.  Hi Casey.

Theatre Journal:
Going to make this up tomorrow.

Dance Journal:
I did a mini-warmup plus a lot of sitting around and thinking, trying to put together what goes together for the Laurie thing.  Not my favorite day ever, and it now feels like it should be Wednesday, but it had to be done.

Gabe Journal:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

On December five and twenty

So far this week I have had something after school every day.  Monday, Philo rehearsal.  Tuesday, late-lasting field trip.  Wednesday, another Philo rehearsal.

PG= Theatre Journal: Dance Journal: Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


PG= 100
However boring and confusing Laurie may be, I have the combination down.  We distributed parts and moved marley.  I have Romeo, Hastings, Marlow, and Arlequino.

Theatre Journal:
Philomusica.  Therefore, extra credit.

 Dance Journal: Gabe Journal:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Playing catchup

Tuesday, October 26 PG= 100
Spent the day with Glenn memorizing COW more.  Also tried on some stuff from the costume loft.  Haley was doing a pretty good job pulling stuff.

Wednesday, October 27 PG= 100
Participated rather fully in the workshop.  Sort of went the full gamut of moods throughout.  Last 20 minutes, of course, felt awesome.

Tuesday, October 26 Theatre Journal:
Today was basically spent memorizing.  Got somewhere.  Stuff happened.  We tried on some costuming, mostly white shirts and shoes.  Black shoes, not white.

Wednesday, October 27 Journal:
Today was the last day of Sean Lewis and Elisa Matula.  While I may not have gotten very far during the workshop itself, I'm sort of listing this as another one of the tools in my tool belt for relaxing and being honest.  It is, after all, my biggest weakness.  And I'm starting to see what people mean about being a little too aware of what my body's doing at any given moment.  Bring it on!

Dance Journal:
The last few days have sort of blurred together.  I know I'm enjoying the triplet piece, and I'm happy I get to partner with Kiana, however briefly.  I enjoy partnering with as many different people as I possibly can.  It's neat to see how different people move differently, and move differently in conjunction with me.  In pieces so far this year, I have partnered with Zaynah, Kiana, and Bella, 3 very different movers.  VERY different.  In exercises, I think I've partnered with Arlee, Lianna, Kelly, Hana....I think that's it.  OH!  The test.  I think that went pretty well.  My thoughts were a little scattered, but I think I got the general idea well enough.  And the exercises today were fun as hell.  Prance, 2, 3, 4, back, 2, 3, 4, forward, 2, 3, 4, whipwhipwhipwhip, back, 2, 3, 4, se-cond-jump-ing, hop, leapturn, hop, leapturn, back, leap, hop, leap.  Und Monsters.  I was elephant legs and sounds.

Gabe Journal:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Yo me remendaba

PG= 100
 Participated in Sean workshop.  Apparently I have a very expressive back.  The voice part went particularly well.  Also, may I just say that the view from the Route 1 bridge in the early morning is fucking spectacular.  It looked this morning like a collage of modern, post-apocalyptic, and pre-historic, all in one.  The fog and the light and the bridge in the distance and the cars and trucks....Gah.

Theatre Journal:
Had choir tonight.  Bite me.  I'm about to fall over. 

Dance Journal:
I was very happy to be able to do all three periods of dance today.  I really got the full effect of the class for once.  Running rep went relatively well, especially the triplet piece.  Solo choreography also went well.  I sort of brought my part A to good closure.  I am having a bit of trouble with part B, but we've only been messing with that for a day.  We'll see what happens.

Gabe Journal:
DEATH.  I have been awake for 17.5 hours.  8 of those hours were spent engaged in vigorous physical, mental, or emotional activity, or some combo of the three.  I'm about ready to die.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh, it's morning, isn't it.

PG= Theatre Journal:

Dance Journal:
I am really enjoying this piece we're working on.  It's being challenging, but the rewarding kind, not the super-frustrating kind.  Part of it is that you're giving us the tools with which to work out the problems on our own, not just giving us exact answers.  The video at the beginning of class was an excellent example.  By watching those incredible dancers do a very intense sort of partnering, I now understand more what it is I need to do in order to ensure the safety of my partner and create fluid movement from point to point.

Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


PG= 100
Today was largely spent on tablework, which was okay by me.  Also did a brief African theatre thing.  Read out loud from Death and the King's Horseman.

Theatre Journal:
Honestly, not much to talk about.  Reading DatKH out loud for the freshies is definitely useful for me, but I'm still processing.  Perhaps more tomorrow.  Except not, because of Cake.  Thursday.

Dance Journal:
Did I mention how much I'm liking this French triplet mabober?  Can't wait to do the next bit with the Kiana-clump, as it's being in my mind.  Kiana, Kelly, Elias, and my mind is blanking on who the fourth person is.  Lianna?  But yeah.  Back is a little strained from draggin Zaynah across the floor, and I'm feeling generally creeky tonight, but things should be a-okay.

Gabe Journal:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bogorditsye Dyevo


Theatre Journal:
Also N/A, since we didn't even have a substitute, and were thus sent to dance.  In which I participated.  Again.

Dance Journal:
WOOOOOOOOOOO.  Today was awesome.  I sorta kinda feel on top of the world.  4 hours of dance.  Morning went rather well.  I made it through the pilates warmup better than usual (read: only dropped dead 3 or 4 times, compared to my usual 8 or 9), vaguely owned the syllabic stuff, and then rep was pretty much an epic win.  I love dancing with Zaynah.  I feel bad for being on the weird/creepy side, but we dance well together.  The piece we started on today was a wonderful, gloriously slow, French waltz-ish thing.  And we start off with a straight-up vertical lift.  As opposed to a horizontal lift?  I guess that's sort of possible.  Sort of.  Not sure how we're getting to the leaning, waltzing part, but we have the steps down pretty solidly.  We did it in three tiers, essentially: First we were just figuring it out; then we figured out how to remain connected throughout; finally, we got the leaning down pat, which made it ten times easier and interesting.  At the end we were really pushing into each other, and providing bases for each other to work from.  And it's so cool to me how much overlap there is between dance and theatre, especially in the last few counts of what we did, when we faced each other, connected at the shoulders.  It was almost identical to an exercise we did two weeks ago in theatre, just moving instead of holding a balance.  Artgasm.  Pardon the term.

Gabe Journal:
I AM SO TIRED.  4 hours of dance + awesome choir rehearsal (albeit rocky start) = happy, exhausted Gabe.  We are singing in 5 different languages for this concert: English, Latin, Russian, Ukrainian, and Spanish.  I am so freakin' excited.  And so freakin' tired.   And hungry.  Damn.  My 3 hour nap meant I had no time for dinner earlier.  Fuck.  I had better do something about that.  TIme for a late-night trip to the store, due to lack of quick food here.  Audition prep on Sunday meant that I ran out of time for cooking for the week.  Merf.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's a Deer, George.

PG= 100
Wish I could've done Meisner today, but I need to work on COW.  Started memorizing.  Just trying to start with the order of the colors in that first monologue.  First half of tablework went okay.

Theatre Journal:
I"m really happy to start acting good and proper again, but it's gonna hurt.  It feels like stretching refrigerated gum.  Except the idea is I *want* it to snap, and I'm just being too careful.  I feel like such a mess.  Here's hoping things pull together and work out.

Dance Journal:
Hoo boy today did not make me happy.  I'm terribly sorry I missed class.  I had no idea what was going on.  I thought I was going for a brief meeting with Mrs. Vaksman about math team, but it turned out today was the competition.  As a result, and due to a bit of a slow start, all I did today was a small portion of warm ups.  I've decided that I can't let this happen again.  I thought I could do my extra-curriculars, but it has become apparent that that's not an option.  Every solitary period of my day is necessary this year.  If I miss first period, I'm not warmed up, which is dangerous.  If I miss third period, I am warming up and then not doing anything.  Not looking forward to telling Vaksman, but this sort of thing won't happen again.

Gabe Journal:
Reasons Why Art is Good Number 2: It allows freer expression of self, ideas, and concepts.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reason Number 1 Why Art is Good

It defines us.

PG= 100
Did not totally spazz out.  Did a read-through and some rudimentary table work for COW.  Coming up with a plan B just in case Glenn doesn't remain true.

Theatre Journal:
I spent tonight looking through those one-act books again, trying to come up with a plan B.  I'm really scared.  Almost petrified.  But not quite.  I didn't find anything that struck me right off the bat.  Guess what I'm doing on the bus tomorrow morning.  And in the hallway before class.  And during lunch.

Dance Journal:
Choreography was much more...not productive, per se, because I actually came up with *less* than yesterday, but it was more effective.  It's lovely to think how the two worlds to which I belong intertwine, and how when I go for the simpler and, to me, more obvious and straightforward approach, it comes out better than when I focus on what I'm trying to convey and how to "communicate" it.

Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Like the Lady With the Mystic Smile

PG= 100
Read part of Death and the King's Horseman to help the freshies get it.  Was somewhat upset that it took us half an hour to do shit and finally get to the grades, which means we didn't read through Crows Over Wheatfield.  But I was a good class person.  Did not enjoy period 8, though.  No me gusta.

Theatre Journal:
 RAAAAAGH.  Essays bug the shit out of me.  But that is not the point of journals, nominally.  DatKH.  Now that I know what is going on, I may be able to finish forging through act 1.  Part of the way through.  Must.  Not.  Lose.  Momentum. 

Dance Journal:
ALSO RAAAAAGH.  So apparently now I have to go on two intimately connected journeys in two different mediums.  Choreo was rough, confusing, and frustrating.  Trying to keep calm, remain true to the intention and the reality of my word.  Fucking isolation.  Why couldn't I have chosen one of the paintings that inspires me?  Naw.  That would be too simple and obvious.  I need to stop that.  Condemning the obvious.  It's never served me any good, and likely never will.  Honestly, forgot to work on my phrase this evening.  Here's to sleep cycles.

Gabe Journal:
 Spew time.  Gonna try to type faster than my filters.  Not actually achievable by mortal fingers, but I'll do my best.  College essay stuff.  I'm smarter than most people I've met, but when they're smarter, they're way smarter.  And I look like a dick.  Bacause I am a dick.  A really smart dick.  A lazy, smart dick.  I dunno.  I'm arrogant, that muchis clear, and has been made clear by 3 and some odd years of being reminded of it.  By everybody.  I'm arrogant.  I'm smart.  I'm....diverse?  Not really.  Well, sort of.  In some ways.  I feel like a good analogy would be an explosion, if I knew more chemistry.  All I know is that, for ignition to occur of a large cloud of gas, there has to be the right combination of the gas and air.  So, like, hydrogen.  If I and my experiences are hydrogen, and the world of the performing arts in which I wish to enter is the surrounding air, and my mental filters are the Hindenberg... Except that makes me sound like a menace to society.  I think it may be a good idea to avoid analogies to disasters.  Unless it's a Hindenburg of sunshine, rainbows, and crazy.  Which it could be.  So I'll stick with it for now.  The whole, "judging before you write" thing.  Judging before you create anything, really.  Had that same issue in dance today.  But I ranted a little bit about that already.  So I'm a Hundenburg of crazy, experimental art.  I love how the spelling of the blimp is changing as I go along.  I'm a ball of creative gas, angry, arrogant, brilliant, crazy gas.  My limited experience surrounds me in a rubber cocoon.  Or is it cloth?  I have no idea.  I'm floating around in my horizon of ignorance and inexperience, looking for the proper catalyst, the sharp, pointy something to burst my bubble, bring me down to Earth, and let loose all that lies within my gassy confines.  Shit.  11:58.  I need to go to bed right about now.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I need to stop doing these early in the morning.

I mean, I think they still technically count, but it's just not good form.

Showed the freshman an introduction to independent activities.  Read through The Courier.  Decided we can't do it.  Switched it to Crows Over Wheatfield.

Theatre Journal:
I explained to you that image I have in my head of the Mario rewind thing.  It's the idea of multiple realities existing at once.  In terms of Old Times, there are definitely at least three realities; one for Deeley, one for Ann, and one for Kate.  But each then starts to express multiple realities.  It sort of feels like a Sierpinski triangle.  You start with a fairly clear frame, with three vertexes.  Then you slowly start breaking it down into smaller and smaller bits, exponentially, until you have possibly infinite realities, all of which are equally viable. 

Dance Journal:
Yay for learning how to swing dance!  Finishing the flash mob (mostly) felt very rewarding.  We've finished our first thing of the year.  I was fairly proud of myself as well with the yoga.  It's been not even a month and I can feel myself stretching and strengthening.  Now I need to start eating right again.

Gabe Journal:

Thursday, October 7, 2010


PG= 100
Read well, apparently.  Had the talk with Glenn.  Looked up collegy things. 

Theatre Journal:
I'm sorry.  I fell asleep almost right after helping you put Sophia down.  Blurgh.

Dance Journal:
I'm looking forward to this cultural mix we've got going on.  I just hurt right now.  I don't know what I did, but I can feel both of my erector spinata when I walk.

Gabe Journal:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am totally cool with looking like Gandalf

PG= 100
Chose a one act for the showcase.  Pulled up paintings and music.  Read Old Times in class, helping people understand it better.  First time I've ever been told I was being "too British".  Teehee.

Theatre Journal:
I'm recompiling my college info, as best I can.  Tonight I was just worrying about essay info.  Funny story, Minnesota doesn't want an essay either.  Yay.  That makes two.  And I think I may scratch Central off my list.  It didn't quite click when I was initially thought about it, but I wasn't sure.  But RADA is still on.  Have no idea if I'll get that or not.  I've no clue even how to apply.

Dance Journal:
Choreo was productive today.  Definitely enjoyed that.  While I did end up with a two-person phrase, I think the best part was learning how to work with people who don't necessarily work in the same way as me.  Lianna and I are just on completely different wavelengths, but we made it work, and problem solved.  Ballet was....nice?  I distinctly remember being good at it, but I'm also definitely having to relearn the basic mechanics.  I've got the flourish just fine; it's the basic skills I'm lacking.  Like moving my hips the right way and whatnot.  I've got a year.

Gabe Journal:
So I look like Ian McKellen you say?  I am 100%, undeniably, totally cool with that.  Time to do some research.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Does not like being young and short.

PG= 100
Did movement today.  Was very happy to do the split-stage thing.  I missed that.  Got all into it.  And the millipede thing.

Theatre Journal:
Reading through the short plays.  I'm fucking tired.  Choir was sub-par this evening, leaving me in a less-than-good mood.  Does choir count as rehearsal for something?  Like, extra credity?

Dance Journal:
I'm actually proud of my choreography today.  I feel like it went well.  Also, the circling didn't go too poorly.  Can't wait to start rep with partnering.

Gabe Journal:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How shiny and wonderful and scary

This is where I remind myself why I didn't do journaling on Thursday, or Participation grade on Thursday or Friday.  Thursday, I get extra credit for going to the premiere of Sex Ed.  Friday, I went up to purchase with my mom and didn't have a computer.  I believe I get extra credit for seeing the Neo-Futurists, and I think the Improv Everywhere thing counts, though I can't be certain.  No more slip-ups.  I"m back in the game.  Woo.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I told you. Blind leading the blind.

PG= 100
Today we did production, both for freshies and for showcase.  I continued through the pit-lifting, even after getting smashed in the shins.  Also set a deadline to have a play picked out.

Theatre Journal:
Chelsea has my book right now, so I can't really reread Old Times at the moment.
I looked through those two books.  The Funeral Plays doesn't have any that match our requirements, ie too old, wrong gender, or wrong number of people, and the Humana Festival one doesn't have one acts.  They're all full length, and most of them require 5 or 6 people as well.  SHIT.  I forgot to get the camera.  I'll text you when I wake up in the morning.

 Dance Journal:
I still submit that I did not throw a tantrum.  I think I was just confused and a tad flustered at how to go about that last pose. :P  Anyways, I can't even remember what we did first period at this point.  Oh wait.  Just came back to me.  History.  I liked that video.  It pleased me that they weren't just getting the Oxford and Yale students who need something to do.  Especially fond of the whole concentricity, which I realize may not be a word, and I should probably warn people when I'm doing that.

Gabe Journal:

Je croyais ĂȘtre prĂȘt pour cela

Dammit.  I forgot to physically post this.

PG= 100
History today.  Rocked the happening.  Came up with a good metaphor to use for an essay.

Theatre Journal:
Notes for Old Times to keep in mind when I reread: The use of memory as a weapon.  Take nothing literally.  Everything is metaphorical.  It's possible the women are the same person.Keep track of each interpretation of the past.  What does each mean?

Dance Journal:
After we did get started today, I was reminded once again of how disproportionate I am.  I need to muscle up my upper body like hell.  Abs, arms, shoulder, and so on.  Also, necesito cardio.  Did okay with the combinations, and choreographed that small double-helix thing.Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fecit potentiam

PG= 100
Movement today.  I kicked ass, and walked it.  And yay for having an almost completely neutral walk.

Theatre Journal:
I have currently lent Chelsea my Norton, but I did read Old Times.  I think I may want to do the scene with Glenn.  Now that I think about it, even if it isn't as broad-spectrum as I had hoped, I do have other things I can submit to colleges.  I (will) have the DVD of my choreography, and I have a CD of the last Philo concert.  I definitely still want to do Sonnet 94, but perhaps as a long-term project.  Sort of disappointed in myself, and I feel like I'm abandoning the project proper, but it's probably for the best.

Dance Journal:
Ballet today.  Wrote down some of the combinations at the beginning, before I had to leave.  Plies in fourth are a bitch, but I've grown better at holding relevee.  Still need to figure out the end part of the possible flash mob phrase.  The whole floor part.

Gabe Journal:
Choir was nice.  I actually rather enjoy learning Christmas carols because I don't know half of them, so to me it's just another piece of music that happens to be catchy, sing-songy, and fun.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


So I didn't do my PG on Friday because I was at the Neo-Futurists with Brian.  I'm doing it now in the possibly vain hope that you will still accept it.  Same applies to my dance journal for the other you to whom I now speak. Teehee.

PG= 100
I read my SOC which was possibly laden with some good ideas.  I also slapped together a sample biographical essay starter.  Got constructive notes on it, such as my overuse of over-flowery language.  I need to use small words more.

Theatre Journal:
N'est pas applicable en Vendredi.

 Dance Journal:
We worked on what might possibly become a flash mob.  Which would be definitely totally awesome, by the way.  I'm finding that I have some trouble in modulating the amount of looseness in my body.  I can tighten as much as needed, in any increment, but I seem to go from "kinda-loose" to "Gabe, calm down" without meaning to.  But I think I've got the choreography,  after speed learning it.

Gabe Journal:
THE NEOS RULE.  That is all.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I would be witty, but frankly, not in a great mood.

PG= 100
First of all, I've become more comfortable with Meisner.  Second of all, spent two full periods repeating my fucking sonnet over and over again, trying to get somewhere with it, spewing out liquid thought-shit.  But back to the happy, Meisnery thoughts.  I can be natural and let things happen.

Theatre Journal:
We were speaking of that whole mania/depression thing?  Well, let's just say I'm in none too good of a mood right now after looking through my footage.  I have no idea what I achieved today, if anything.  I mean, you came up with this wonderful idea for how to spew, but I can't think of any; how the fuck am I going to do this?  My only option is to forge onward, and I shall, but I'm really scared.  Also, small request: I know some people can have a script written in a week.  I've seen them.  Sadly, I am not, at least not yet, one of those people, and I would greatly appreciate not being compared to them until after the show is done.  It does not help, and it puts me in a mood.

Dance Journal:
So.  Made it through some of the workout part of the day.  And then proceeded to look very silly whilst doing things that look fine on other people.  Woo.  Knee hurt a tad after the rollers and tornado-slide-things.  But I've got the choreography.  Beyond that, not much to say about today.

Gabe Journal:
I think I may know something's up when I feel the need to go for a walk in stilts to feel tall.  I'm starting to feel simultaneously cooped up and isolated.  Retrospectively, those don't seem like opposites, but in my mind it's the more agoraphobic style of isolation, the whole standing-in-a-field-with-no-one-else-around kind.  Got to see Riley today, which was good.  He got his binders.  Still getting used to the pronouns, but whatever.  I need to see the neos this weekend, be it tomorrow or Saturday.  May end up being tomorrow.  I'm being so easily distracted right now.  I should probably just try to go to sleep.  Maybe I'll go through my footage again before I do.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PG= 100
Spotted Hannah and Jessica up the catwalk ladder.  Taught Alicia and Jessica about screw guns, marley, and sweeping.  Had the showcase meeting.

Theatre Journal:
Must.  Journal.  Must.  Keep.  100.  So, after some self-talk and self-scold and self-evaluation, I've decided that in order to perhaps put at least some structure to the "vomiting" process, I'm going to, over the next few days, do several, extended, focused SOCs.  I've been asleep most of this afternoon/evening, yet am still tired, so this will begin tomorrow.  As for right now, I'm going to bed so I may not be dead in the morning.

Dance Journal:
Ballet was...good.  I guess.  Good thing, did not enjoy it quite so much today.  I did some numbers in my head; 4 years ago I was around 4 inches shorter and 60 pounds lighter, so the same mechanics do not work any more.  They're going to be difficult to un/re-learn.  Especially turns and one-legged landing.  I'm just bigger.  And in worse shape than I was.

Gabe Journal:
Considering cutting out the upper portion of my spine-adjacent muscles (erector spinae?) on the right side so they'll stop hurting.  I can't take these headaches much more.

Oh my. Thank you, Blogger, for not posting properly.

PG= 100
Did headshots today.  Went well.  I don't look creepy!  Also got the room all spiffeh for parents' night.  Oh!  And since I stayed after, extra credit!

Theatre Journal:
Exempt due to staying after.  You know where I was.

 Dance Journal:
The photoshoot went well today.  Seemed fairly quick and efficient, and we got some great pictures.  Not much else to say, I suppose.

 Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The other people's name was MacGregor.

Did more Boal today.  These first parts come naturally to me by this point.  Reremembered the imprtance of breathing in those exercises.  Freshmen did well.
Theatre Journal:
Okay, so I can't figure out which way to to start with my showcase.  I need a concept, but I can't overthink it too much (the whole vomiting thing).  I keep on flopping back and forth and not really getting anywhere.

Dance Journal:
My god I've become lopsided.  The tors to the right almost killed me.  I definitely need to work on that.  Also, wish we had gotten to a little more pilates before I had to leave.

Gabe Journal:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Good yantif

PG= 100
Participated in three little scenelets and was rudely interupted :P. Good finish to the week. Sebastian is really promising. Hannah weirder me out a bit.

Theatre Journal: Dance Journal: Gabe Journal:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lindsay Olives

PG= 100
Thank you so much for the senior periods to work on showcase.  Today was really helpful.  I'm really close to having complete understanding, and I'm getting into the right mindset for how to produce something that will work.

Theatre Journal:
Showcasey stuff, as you said I could do.  I'm trying really hard to just vomit.  I'm starting in the area I suppose I"m most comfortable, the music.  This evening I've established three possibilities for music.  I hope to come up with several more, and hopefully of more varied style.  Maybe.  It could be that the reason I'm only coming up with this sort of thing is that it's what works in my mind.  Anyways, next thing to tackle is figuring out if I want any additional text, which I believe I do.  Once again, vomiting like a firehose onto a piece of paper is the goal.  I'm not going to tackle the dance portion until I stop hurting quite so much from, well dance.

Dance Journal:
Luckily, feeling a little bit better every day.  Not too thrilled about the gap smack in the middle, but I'm very happy with the two periods a day.  Warmups hurt like a bitch today, with the lower back stretch against the wall.  Improv went well though.  It's strange, there are many analogs between dance and theatre, but improv isn't one of them.  At least, not yet.  So far it's a totally different experience.  I'm just curious as to why I'm so twitchy with my eyes closed.  Whoa.  Flashback.

Gabe Journal:
I'm very happy for Chelsea.  Her internship is happening.  I am a slob.  My room is terrifying.  I'm going up to Purchase for Yom Kippur tomorrow.  Three hours in transit.  I will be bored out of my mind.  Talking to mom about college prices.  I've got the extremes going on: CalArts at, what, $50,000?  And Montclair at an almost guaranteed free ride.  Oh, god, I have to get my SATs 20 points higher.  Now the goal is to get them 120 points higher.  That may be rough.  Eek.  I need to go for a bike ride.  Get some fresh air.

No, really.

Sheize.  Tried too hard to fall asleep, and forgot about this.  Merf.

Stayed on my toes in regards to helping teach the freshmen theatre safety.  Described the three-point rule of ladders.  Also remembered about the shudders on lights.

Theatre Journal:
Now for my memory-saver for Old Times (hurhur).  Overriding theme: memory, and its fragility and power. It's ambiguous as hell, offering about 3 different pasts, each of which is ostensibly true, but no solid proof to back up each one.  Lou said there's that debate that Anna and Kate may be the same person, that it could all be in Deeley's head.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  Something to think about when I reread it.  What I find ridiculous is that Pinter wrote the entire thing as basically idle chitchat.  And it's still engaging.It's just three middle-aged people sitting around and talking about and arguing about their past.  There is the recurring theme of their relationships in regard to the movie Odd Man Out, which I'll have to look up at some point.

Dance Journal:
I was so grateful to do yoga today.  I mean, I'm terrible at it, but it was wonderful to stretch out.  Was mildly concerned; in downward dog, even if I made a concerted effort to keep breathing, it still felt like blood was rushing to my head.  Is that just me needing to do cardio?  Anyways, had some fun with the combination for rep.  Was rather glad not to have the mirror.  I probably looked like a fool.  But I think i finally got the hang of the syncopated hip/shoulder walk.

Gabe Journal:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It hurts! It hurts so bad!

Started Theatre in the 70s.  I'm proud of me for remembering most of the stuff.  Also happy I managed to properly phrase the difference between for-profit and non-for-profit.

Theatre Journal:
I'm going to collect my thoughts on Buried Child sos I don't forget.  So I may look at that VInce monologue right near the end.  I do needs me them monologues.  Ah geez.  But yeah.  I want to do more research on how Sam Shepard makes use of different mythologies.  There's the whole corn-god thing going on, along with the triple-death of burial thing.

Dance Journal:
OUCH.  Hot damn today hurt.  It's simultaneously awesome that I have the ballet background and terrible.  My body still remembers what it has to do; trouble is, it can't do it right now, but is still trying to.  Hence, pain from hell making it, shall we say, problematic to walk at the moment.  Yay for knee braces with built-in pouches for ice packs.

 Gabe Journal:
Dun wanna today.

100th post!

Yay for first proper blog of the year!  FYI to Aladren, I have to blog for dance as well, so this will now be a dual-purpose blog.

PG= 100
We started movement with the freshies today.  First of all, very proud of them for catching on so quickly.  Second of all, it felt amazing to get back into it.  I'm glad I was a (seemingly) effective example.  And sorry for almost dropping you.

Theatre Journal:
Seeing as I've already finished Buried Child and Old Times, I'll be a-bloggin' about Death and the King's Horseman.  I still haven't gotten past scene 1.  I'm really hoping what you say is true.  So far I have almost no information to work off of in terms of characters or plot or anything.  Just a bunch of Yoruban, Syinka-freaking-out-Western-theatre-goers ritualistic stuff.  It's a neat intro to Yoruban culture, which I may do some additional research on, even if I don't use DatKH for my paper, but I still don't have much in the way of a play yet.

Dance Journal:
Oh Jesus Christ I'm so happy the school year has started.  Totally thrilled that I get to do two periods of dance, even with the interrupt of history.  Gonna need a lot of stretching: I feel about as tense as a(n) {insert analogy here}.  But as far as I can tell, my body still remembers how to move, in general.  Improv went well? Maybe?  I mean, it's only day 1 (for me), so I can't say a whole lot yet.  Tomorrow, then!  Woo!  Oh, and I missed any curriculum-ish stuff that may have been covered, so I have no clue what day brings what.  And I must remember!  I must talk to you tomorrow!

Gabe Journal:
This was an awesome day.  Dance, movement, and choir.  This is my Monday.  For the rest of the year.  Well, at least until my concert in a couple months.  I am so incredibly excited.  I'm positively giddy and inebriated off of joy.  Or something along those lines.  Except for that I can't listen to my totally awesome concert CD from spring, due to brother breaking CD tray 4 fucking months ago and never managing to fix it.  I still can't figure out what the hell he did that has it jammed so tight.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Holy Senior Year, Batman!

Since I know I'll take a few days to get used to it again, I'm going to start blogging tonight.  Participation grade and all, even though I know it won't count.

PG: 100

Today we had that ever-so-lovely discussion about college.  I revisited my list of colleges I said I wanted to apply to, most of which still apply.  Mat the freshmen, and hopefully made a good first impression.  Katie is my freshy.  Since I'm guessing you (Aladren) will be shaky on names at first, the one you said looks like Kate Hudson.

So I'm going to do that list thing here.

Physical technique/dance
Vocal technique
"Large" characters
Classical text
Distinct, not-so-common look
Mah hur
Sing and play several instruments
Fairly savvy and good at schmoozing
In terms of college, high SAT scores

Work Ethic
Forced and walled personality
Narrow range
In poor shape
Bad skin
In terms of college, sub-excellent GPA

I'm happy on two small accounts.  My strengths seem to somewhat outnumber my weaknesses, and most of the weaknesses are possible to fix.  Oh my.  I'm in for a fucking doozy of a year.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's not 12:00

Is it?  Shit.  It is.  Damnit.

100 for today for hiring Lou as director and Scarlett as designer (with, of course, Chelsea as my SM).

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Okay, so I'm going to start outlining that whole budgety thing.

Talked to Lou briefly, and a director is a good idea.  Said he'd get back to me as to who he recommends.  Also will look to Cleo for guidance with the dance part.  SO yeah.   Director will probably be a good portion of my budget.  I seem to remember that artist-paying is something we can get more money for, since that can take more time.

In terms of money that I spend sooner, my guess is most of that will be toward various accoutrements for music.  Certainly a sustain pedal, perhaps other pedals.  Microphones, should I choose to use other instruments.  Perhaps looping technology.  Stuff of that sort.  I may try to find someone to look to for music guidance, as well.  I dunno.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Got home really late last night because I had to wait around while Cleo appeased a spastic parent.

Quick proposal-shaped thing:

For my senior showcase, I am looking to artistically interpret one of Shakespeare's sonnets.  These interpretations will be in all forms I know how to do, including acting, music, and dance.  I plan on hiring a director.  Chelsea will be my stage manager.  Beyond this, I do not believe I will need any other assistance.

ANd now off to school!   Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Accomplishment and not

Okay, so I guess 100 for today.  Everyone except for me, Glenn, and Mike were either testing or at the PSA thingy, so there really wasn't too much to do.  But I didn't break anything, and I didn't get into trouble.  SO yes.

And I did not read tonight, although I have good reasons.
One, I had choir tonight.  First rehearsal ever with the orchestra!  It was REALLY COOL!
Second, I have literally spent all of the rest of my time this afternoon/evening/night transposing the fucking Star-Spangled Banner, since they can't seem to find anyone who can get to a fucking F.  And they insist on not letting us use one of our own, since I know Casey, Chelsea, and Scarlett could all do it.  SO yeah.  Going from B-flat to G has been rough, but I needed to do it, so I did that instead of reading.  Sorry.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fresh sheets are nice

100 for today.  Did the translation and examples for the scansion.  Did the page of syllables.  Helped other people with their elisions and such.  And such and such and such.

Aaaand of course the refresher course in scansion slowed me down a bit for Hamlet.  But I got through the ghost scene.  I'm definitely rereading that again tomorrow.  That damnable monologue is tough.  And, ya know, massive.  My guess is I'll be back in full swing with Shakespeare by Thursday.  Any bets?

Maybe this is why I can't sleep

Almost forgot to do the writing part :P
100 for today.  Brought in my webcam to try vid-chat, though we did end up using Casey's laptop.  Wrote down everything we need to do this quarter.  Discussed with other juniors about the showcase.  Promptly shat my pants.

Okay, so return to Hamlet.  Really, return to Shakespeare.  It'll probably take me a few nights to get back into the swing of the language.  Just need to remind myself how it feels
So, refresher on setting for Hamlet: Hamlet Sr. is dead, Fortinbras is also dead, so lots of political tension.  Gertrude and Claudius are now married, very shortly after King Hamlet's death.  Hamlet is unhappy.  Marcellus, Bernardo, Francisco, and Horatio see the ghost of King Hamlet, freak out, and resolve to go tell Hamlet.  Ophelia and Hamlet have a sort of a thing, and Laertes disapproves.  Laertes plans on going to France.  And so on.

Ah, Bill.  How I have missed thee.

Monday, April 19, 2010

What? N3RD is over???

So, I suppose I'd better do this, if not to have an effect on my grade, then to get back in the habit.

100 for today for beginning the arduous trek of a post-mortem.  And for teaching the newbies what one is.

So I had Philo today.  It was nice to be back knowing that I will be at all rehearsals until the performance.  I've established that I don't really enjoy *singing* Arvo Part, but I like the music enough to suffer through it for the final product.  Faure is a tad difficult.  Fosse is just odd.  I think I like the Faure the best.  But what can you do.  Aladren, I hope you're well enough to come see my concert.  But by no means strain yourself to come.  That would be worse than not coming.  I don't think it's polite to give birth at concerts.

Here's hoping you've still got some semblance of a sense of humor.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I guess so

The one day I'll have to do a journal for the next two weeks.  Hi.

First off, 100 for today for assisting Casey in sound design/composition.  I tried preparing the piano in many different ways, though basically only the old paper tricks was of any real use.  Started toying around with the intro.  If/once I get my freaking speakers back from wherever they are, I'll hop on that.

And, for journal itself.  I'm absurdly excited for the drywall stilts.  I've been coming up with the static poses as best I can.  Well, not really static, but stationary.  Or something.  I also spent the time in which I usually nap day dreaming.  It was a fun trip.  By some strange definition of fun.  I'm not sure how much I actually accomplished, but I gave it a shot.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I sat outside today!

And read a book!  A muthafuckin' BOOK!


Wasn't actually in class today, so no participation.


I'm trying to find an ideal target for studying for Blake.  I honestly don't think just "the kids in school" will work, because they're all too....I dunno. Loud?  Social?  I mean, to my knowledge, a very select few actually game, and within them, they're basically all the nerdy type.  Not so much the addict type.  Am I stereotyping too much?  Basically, this is a paragraph to let you know I am thinking about it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Just woke up in a daze and realized I habn't done my jounral for this evening.  I'll do the actual journal tomorrow, but participation now:

100 for helping with taping and masonaite and stuff.  Got one side taped, and helped yo with some of the cube-tracking.  Eurgh,  good night.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"White cats can't jump"

So, this HSPA week is actually proving invaluable on most fronts.  Except for the actual HSPA.  I'm really enjoying sitting in on the directing periods now and again with seniors.  Knowing bits from the other side is helping me some with what to be doing for the acting standpoint.  I guess hearing the lecture more academically rather than as part of a rehearsal put it in a different perspective.  So I've been applying that different viewpoint to my scenes in N3RD.  In between naps.

So, since I was actually in class today, 100 for helping with the camera, getting the boom and cable from the auditorium, and such.  'Twas nice to be in class rather than at HSPA.  Alas, back again tomorrow, but I learned more about the camera today.  Well, not about the camera itself, but about the importing of the footage, and the first step of editing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Participation doesn't really apply today, does it.  Huh.  I mean, I did enjoy sitting in on the directing lecture, but that wasn't my class, so whatever.

Okay, constructing the other third of the conversation in scene 9:

I'm here. 
At the final house. 
 -I don't see you.
In the bushes by the front door. 
 -OK,I'll be right there.
Well hurry up. 
 -I said I'll be right there!  Hang on!
My Cologne du Corpse is wearing off. They're gonna smell me. 
 -Dude, can you wait 2 seconds?
Please just get your ass over here.

There you are, man! I was getting lonely. 
 -Yeah, yeah.  You ready?  Let's go in!
Yeah, I'm ready. In a minute. Calm down. Don't you think, um…Don't you think we should wait for the rest of the team?
 -Why?  They're still a level behind.  We can do this.
Yeah I know we can, it's just--l have to check my armor one more time. 
And refill my Sugar Rush. 
 -Jesus, can we please just go in?
And um ... 
 -Fuck it.
hey, get off the porch, get back in the bushes, I'm not ready yet!
 -Blake, you're just stalling so--
I am NOT stalling--! 

Shit, she makes me insane. 
 -Wonderful.  Can we just go the fuck in?
No, I'm not ready yet. 
 -Stop being such a pussy
It's not about being a pussy you douche--listen--there was this woman. 
 -At your house?
I wish--no--in the game. I couldn't tell if she was a Zombie or a player. She looked like Cody's mom and kept asking if I'd seen him. 
 -It was him trying to freak you out.
Yeah, I thought at first it was Cody being a total weirdo, but. Something was off. She kept saying, don’t go in.  
 -*That's* why you're taking so fucking long?  Dude--
I know it’s lame, but—
 -Why the fuck am I on your team...
Look, shut up--I took care of it! That's her on the sidewalk. I bashed her head in.

Grrrw, I just got the things-are-gonna-change-around-here speech. But nothing ever does. So to hell with it--let's go in. 
Get up here and cover me. 
 -I got you.
I'm trying the front door ... oh weird, weird ... it's opening on its own. 
 -What's it look like?
I can't see anything inside. 
 -Oh boy
You ready? 
 -Have been for 3 weeks.
 -Well?  Go in!
I'm in, I'm in! 
 -Where'd you go?
I'm behind the sofa, come on. 
 -Okay, I'm with you.
Shit I saw something move.
In the light of the television. 
 -What was it?
I don't know--just get up the stairs--it's in the bedroom at the top. Bedroom at the top. 
 -At the top.  Gonna open--
Wait, don't open the door yet.
 -Fucking hell.  Why not?
Do you hear that? 
 -I do now, yeah
Shit, my heart is pounding.
 -I think it's gone.
OK, ready man. 
Opening the door ... I'm ... opening the door ...

BLAKE: Get out. Get out of the room get out of the house. Get out get out get out get out get out get out shit the front door is locked.
JOY: I locked the front door.
BLAKE: Are you there man? We're in trouble!
    -Dude, calm down!  We can take whatever it is.  We have weapons.
JOY: All night I've heard sirens.
BLAKE: I'm unarmed. I dropped my hammer somewhere on the stairs.

Monday, March 1, 2010


My voice was doing weird things in choir tonight.  'Twas not fun.  And the Part is starting to feel boring.  We did get a performance CD though, and it *sounds* really cool.

So yes.  I left my script at school, but I started constructing the other half of the conversation for my whole headset thing.  I'll be finishing that today.  And I'll probably type it up here as my journal.

100 for today for doing the speed-through, and not messing up too horribly.  Read the other bits for other people.  And so on.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cue the 80s inspirational rock

So.  I'm looking forward to everything.  Today was, basically, a good day.  I accidentally left my script at school, but that is probably the worst thing to happen today.  I lucked out on the film project, group-wise.  I got to play piano for a couple of hours.  And that was marvelous.  I can't wait to have rehearsal of my own tomorrow.  I feel on top of things.  And yeah.  I'm really excited for everything.

I even got a compliment from Ms. Mack on my choreography.  Without using Mack Money.  That was pretty awesome.

I may have gone through a paradigm shift.  Not sure.  But it's possible.


100 for working on the film project with Scarlett, Travis, and Mike.  It's going to be awesome.

Monday, February 8, 2010

In the beginning

I'm very, very happy that we're finally starting N3RD.  I really need it.  And I'm just excited to be working on a full character for a piece longer than 2 minutes.  Plus, cannot WAIT for those shoes.  That's going to be super fun.

Anyways.  Philo was really awesome tonight.  I've decided that if Denis does auditions for the bari solo in the Faure Requiem, I'll audition, even though I have slim to no chance of actually getting it.  I just think that would be so cool.

And about today.  I had my script, highlighted and everything, and I helped open the pit, plopped wood in there, and swept most of the stage.  So, you guessed it, 100.

Yay, Gabe becoming a better person!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why hello there

Not like I'm sitting right next to you.  So.  Anyways.  As I awlways say

Participation at the beginning!

100 for today, for watching the movie and remarking pointedly and accurately.

Aaaaand 100 for yesterday for participating effectively in Francesca's workshop, presenting and working Harlequin, and being Chichi's Mr. M and Scarlett's Creon.

I definitely need to borrow Citizen Kane.  I need to see the beginning and watch it when I can see properly.   And can focus.  But at least I was here!

And Francesca's workshop.  I dunno.  I did enjoy the bit where she worked with Chichi on the whole hissing noise thing.  Sort of makes me want to tabulate the consonants and vowels in Demetrius.  Find the most prevalent noises.  Mrow.

And one final thought


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nice going

I just spent an hour or more perusing through old blog posts with Chelsea, and then closed blogger and almost forgot to blog XD.

That, dear friends, is what we call a fail.  I'm just glad I caught myself.  It really is an experience to look through journals of the past.  I found one of my old SOCs from, oh, sophomore year.  And I wanted to punch myself.

Oh.  My.  God.

Honestly, people, why did you not punch me in the face?  I think everyone should go back every once in a while and read their oldest things.  It's like watching one of those morphing videos, where one person becomes another, or where people take a picture of themselves every day for x amount of time.  You watch the process, but in doing so, you almost forget where they started.  It's only at the end when they put the first and last picture side-by-side that you really appreciate what happened.  So yeah.  Tonight, I looked at my starting picture.  And I'm glad my current one doesn't look like that.  Seriously, I think I could adopt the identical pose as my freshman headshot, but I think it would still look different, seeing as who I am has changed over the past 2 years.  At least, I like to think so.  I like to hope so.  I really hope so.  Please tell me if this not the case, so I can punch myself until it is.

Anyways.  Participation:

100 for starting to take apart Matt/Sisco/Daria's cart.  Got pretty far.  Oh, that screw gun is marvelous.  It made me giddy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Creedo in unum deo, Patreem omnipootentem

I have the Credo of Arvo Part's Berliner Messe running through my head.  It's a gorgeous piece.  The title of this entry has each vowel representing one beat, e.g. Creedo is 3 beats, total.

So yes.  Choir is amazing, and healing, and generally happy making.  I left sans headache and with a better mood.  Onto today:

Francesca's workshop is being rather boring, really.  At least for me.  I mean, the various exercises she's having us do seem valid, but very simple and plain.  It's all stuff I feel like I've done before, and while that's not in and of itself a bad thing, I don't think doing it again is proving very useful.  Once again, just for me.  I could fully understand it helping Scarlett's Ophelia and Lindsay's Viola.  A couple of the things Francesca did with them seemed very beneficial.  Ah well.

So, 100 for today for actively participating in the workshop, and for working my monologue.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hehe. I underlined my name on the Faure Requiem.

Since the composer's name is Gabriel, I just underlined it and wrote Spector underneath.  I'm so incredibly witty.

Participation: 100 for watching Seventh Seal and participating in the discussion.  Hwatah.

So I'll type up my SOC from Friday tonight, since I just got home basically, and I don't feel like reading.  And I believe you said to replace one journal entry this week with the SOC.  I'll try to recreate the sizing a bit.

Prompt:  Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced, and its impact on you.

Which experience can I talk about?  After all the essay hullabaloo, every major experience I can think of seems downright petty.  I feel as though nothing important has happened.  But that's something you told us two days ago.


And my mind goes fucking blank.

Perhaps my "dilemma" or "experience" is my goddamn relationship with writing.
Mind.  Shut the fuck up.  NOW.

I don't feel like I can nail down one thing that has affected me.  And all the things I can think of are from when I was tiny.  Yeah, they shaped me, but they feel like silly things.

I gave up ballet at SAB.  I do have that.  And I didn't realize fully what I had done in doing so until sometime last year.  I gave up world class training with amazing people, and I didn't even realize.  I could come up with ways to blame my father or my mother, or my school, but ultimately it was my decision.  Clock says it was probably 10 minutes.

I give up.  What am I doing?  What am I doing here?

Why did I waste people's time?  So many people to blame, only one of them accurate.

Whenever I start to think about anything

Now I'm thinking about not thinking
What I would give to cry right now.  My mind feels like someone took a manual film reel, and put each frame as a different plot.  But each frame is subdivided into these tiny other frames.  Hundreds

1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196
And I want to capture all of them.  But I fucking can't.  I have said nothing.  In 15 minutes of (almost) nonstop writing, I have not said anything about our prompt topic.  Because I feel like an inferior being.  A whole conversation just played in my head.

"People tell me I'm terrible.  Or great.  Or any # of things.  I just don't know who to believe."

"The person who can tell you that is yourself."

"FUCK. YOU."  If I'm so terrified, yet hungry to know, why do I bother?  Why should I keep trying at all?

God damn dance.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh boyyyy

Studying for math, and I forget to freaking read.  Again.  And it's 2am on the dot.  I need to go to bed...

Well, 100 for today, for watch Seventh Seal and taking a good page of notes.  Also contributed to the discussion thereof.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Well, it's a start

In my excitement over music, I totally forgot to read tonight.  I will, however, still blog for my participation.

100 for today.  I think I'm starting to "get" viewpoints.  One thing I'm not getting:  You told us to "work" on finding and staying in our discomfort, but we're not supposed to think about it.  Is that just at the beginning when we're only doing the grid and tempo?

I've got a plan!

I'm just going to start doing little posts in the morning as well, just to make this a habit again.  I've got to keep it in my mind, so I'll start by doing it twice as much, though certainly not as lengthy in the morning.

Happy New Year.