Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Exercise:Bit o' biking.
Voice:Breathing. Frickin' breathing. I still don't get it.
Reading:May I substitute my composing stress here? Believe me, there's plenty of it.
Explanation(if above 89):We blocked some of the chasing scene. More to be done tomorrow.

So, I tried to find that Radiohead thing at the Grammys, but all the videos have been removed due to copyright issues. Anyone care to find that for me?

Anyways, composing is being a bitch. For some reason, now that I'm composing for people, I'm almost completely devoid of ideas. Nothing is fitting together for vocal bits. Especially not in a medieval fashion. Djeezus kroist. Well, I'm taking measures tonight to keep me from scratching my inner ears to a bloody pulp in my sleep. And with that pleasing image, good night.

Today, my name is Kevin.

1 comment:

  1. Dude. . . just start playing. . . sounds easy. . .I know it is not. . .but man try not to think of it as FOR PEOPLE. . . chill out. . . breathe . . .and just start playing, shit will happend. . shit will be thrown and some shit will stick . . . Art is like that. . . from a fellow song writter to another. . . trust me, just play, play around with things , notes, sound, and what not . . . Does that help?? . . . hope it does. . .


Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!