Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Exercise: I guess none. Band practice.
Voice: Band Practice.
Reading: See exercise.
Participation: 100
Explanation(if above 89): Went over all the tidbits for history. Yay.

Okay, so I definitely thought I did more journals. And this pisses me off. I honestly though I did 2-3 times as many as I (apparently) actually did. I mean, I don't get. Something's not connecting in my mind. If I thought about them, that would imply that I did them. And I feel like I've written down things that aren't here. Anywhere. Have I been dreaming about blogging? Whatever. I'm screwed. AGAIN.,a]wpej
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And I need to stop thinking so much, cuz apparently, it doesn't help anywhere, even though it seems like it should. I don't get that either. Maybe I've just always been taught to use my brain to solve problems, and now I have problems that are solved through brainless, soulless repetition, and spontaneity, which got me into a lot of trouble as a child. Oh, Ms. Debbie. You forgot me in your film about the class. So I jumped into the frame. And you yelled at me. And then were very sorry when I wasn't in the film and you couldn't figure out or remember why. Spontaneous problem solving, without any thought, and I get yelled at. Of course, this was ages ago, but there have been repetitions. WHich I've probably blocked the majority of. Yay.\
Oh, there was the time I showed off my Riverdancing skills. And my feet and legs hurt so much afterward that I couldn't get my shoes on because bending my legs at all hurt. I think I cried.

But enough of childhood scarring. GOod night.

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Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!