Monday, June 8, 2009

THis is me playing

Exercise: Rollerblading 20 minutes
Voice: Singing Mozart's 11th symphony. Yeah yeah, it's instrumental, but I like singing along.
Reading: Angels in America.
Participation: 100
Explanation(if above 89): Um, I didn't do a whole lot today, as I was exhausted, but I went into the dressing room and tried to get out of my damn head. I think it worked for about 2 and a half seconds. But then, of course, I noticed and threw myself back out.

So I'm officially the most advanced pinist in my music theory class. Today was piano lab. Prof asked me if I wanted to leave early. And said I don't have to come to the next piano lab if I don't want to. Huzzah. And holy crap I'm tired! I'm taking advantage of this!

Today, my name is Blarney

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Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!