Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Exercise:Running back and forth between the classroom and auditorium.
Voice:Scales with Javi.
Reading:Midsummer work
Explanation(if above 89):Well, the lovers worked our scene. I don't know if I'm any further along, but we did what we were instructed to do.

MSND MUSIC WHATWHAT! I'm feeling awesome now. Well, no, now I'm tired. But the music is awesome. Awesome, dude. Totally awesome. Awesome.


Monday, February 23, 2009

I'll shiver *your* shocks.

Exercise:I HATE MY MOOBS! GEROFF! Butterflies. And sit-ups.
Voice:Two Ladies, and one other song which I have aphased.
Reading:What do you think?
Explanation(if above 89):I mean, I feel bitchy a/o ignorant, but I complied with directorial stuff.

So, My music has gotten a-pumpin'. :D I've already churned out 3 or 4 songs. Or at least beginnings for others to work with. Yay me!

Today, my name is Awesome.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Damn, damn, damn!

Explanation(if above 89):We worked the fight scene some more.

Okay, PSE&G is a bitch. I had another surge last night, which totally interrupted everything I was doing last night (including this). I've got the drivers installed for my new recording device, though I still need to figure out how to work the program. As a neat side effect, I can now use my keyboard speakers with my computer, which sounds really cool. So yeah. I'm getting somewhere.

Today, my name is

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Exercise:That fight scene. If that doesn't count, I don't know what does.
Voice:Fricking BREATHING.
Explanation(if above 89):Rehearsal kicked our asses.

I'm not really gonna completely journal, cuz I forgot to finish before falling asleep, but I fell asleep listening to an hour-long George Carlin routine. I must have been tired.

Today, my name is blargh

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Exercise:On a whim, I did some impromptu backpacking, inspired by mi padre. Heavy load+walking for half an hour.
Voice:Breathing. And breathing. And breathing.
Reading:Do I even need to fill this out any more? I'm working with Midsummer.
Explanation(if above 89): Well, I worked with both Casey and Fiona. Damn it's hard to fall in love.

Something about Midsummer is pissing me off. I'm not sure what, but it's really bugging me. Like something needs to happen NOW so I can get everything done. Like, acting-wise. It feels like there's maybe one or two things that, once I figure them out, will allow me to excel forward.

And looking at that, it seems like wishful thinking. But Really. It's liek there's a wall followed by a hill. And once I get through the wall, I can go down the hill and just avoid the obstacles, and streamline to gain speed. But the wall feels like it's made out of steel-reinforced rubber. The harder I charge at it, the further back I bounce, and then I have o take a few steps back to have enough running space to build up momentum. It's just so frustrating.

Oh well.

Today, my name is Gabe

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fail gloriously

Exercise: Attempted some biking, stopped after falling 4 times due to wind.
Voice:Mine is dying. I'm nurturing it.
Reading:Revisiting my scansion.
Explanation(if above 89):I did whine pointlessly for quite a while, but i guess we got blocking done.

So, I feel really stupid. I seem to be sucking at things I thought I was pretty good at.

And, an hour or two later, I'm feeling a bit less emo. Yay for distractions and long weekends.
Chelsea got me staring at vids of Threepenny Opera. I'd have quite a bit of fun with that, I do believe.

Anyways, I got some fantastic words of wisdom from Rachel, as seems to happen every time I Facebook-chat her. I've gone and closed the window by accident, but 'twas something to the affect of:

"Do me a favour and have a marvelous time with these rehearsals. They're the most supportive setting you're ever going to find, so dare to make choices, and when you fail, fail gloriously."

Thanks, Rachel. :)

Today, my name is Gabe

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Exercise:Bit o' biking.
Voice:Breathing. Frickin' breathing. I still don't get it.
Reading:May I substitute my composing stress here? Believe me, there's plenty of it.
Explanation(if above 89):We blocked some of the chasing scene. More to be done tomorrow.

So, I tried to find that Radiohead thing at the Grammys, but all the videos have been removed due to copyright issues. Anyone care to find that for me?

Anyways, composing is being a bitch. For some reason, now that I'm composing for people, I'm almost completely devoid of ideas. Nothing is fitting together for vocal bits. Especially not in a medieval fashion. Djeezus kroist. Well, I'm taking measures tonight to keep me from scratching my inner ears to a bloody pulp in my sleep. And with that pleasing image, good night.

Today, my name is Kevin.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Exercise:Some sit-ups and push-ups
Voice:Breathing and scales
Reading:Midsummer, of course.
Explanation(if above 89):Well, Mike and I pretty thoroughly figured out the to-do list for sound, and I found out how low my voice is *supposed* to be.

So, my voice is actually bass-y? Since when? Makes me feel awkward. Damn. Weirdness. I dunno. I guess I should get used to it.

And I totally forgot to press the publish button until right now. After waking up.

Today, my name is Augustus

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't hit it. It's delicate.

Exercise:Biking to/from New Brunswick
Participation:Can't say
Explanation(if above 89):Cuz I was out.

So, I had a pretty terrible day today. Bus confusion, computer troubles, internet disconnection, bitchy people. I didn't get this done last night because I was just done. At 8:45, I started doing nothing. And fell asleep. On my couch. I am PRAYING that there's a better day in store for me.

Today, my name is Dario

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If there is no try, then stop telling me to.

Exercise:I did some situps and pushups.
Voice:I actually did not sing today. Wtf?
Reading:Desperately trying to finish memorizing for the speed-through.
Explanation(if above 89):Well, I contributed to the conversation, even if I only proved my faults. And that I don't do anything about them.

So I feel like there's something I'm not saying that would somehow help someone help me. It would help if I knew what that something was. I mean, I talked to my mom a lot this evening, but I don't really feel like we got anywhere. I feel retarded. In a very literal sense. I feel like there's something that's supposed to make sense. Like the idea of willpower. Or how to "just do" things. I dunno. It seems to me like a lot of people are changing for the better, and learning how to do things and get them done, and I'm behind the loop in a very big way. Something doesn't make sense, and I can''t even pinpoint exactly what. I'm growing increasingly frustrated and no one seems able to help me, and I have been trying for months, nay, years on end to figure out HOW to help myself. But nothing's clicking. What if I never figure it out?
I guess I'm sorta scared. But none of it really seems real, in a sense. Not in a literal sense, but something that seems to be terrifying everyone else is invisible and silent. Someone care to enlighten me?

Today, my name is Andrew.