Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Exercise:On a whim, I did some impromptu backpacking, inspired by mi padre. Heavy load+walking for half an hour.
Voice:Breathing. And breathing. And breathing.
Reading:Do I even need to fill this out any more? I'm working with Midsummer.
Explanation(if above 89): Well, I worked with both Casey and Fiona. Damn it's hard to fall in love.

Something about Midsummer is pissing me off. I'm not sure what, but it's really bugging me. Like something needs to happen NOW so I can get everything done. Like, acting-wise. It feels like there's maybe one or two things that, once I figure them out, will allow me to excel forward.

And looking at that, it seems like wishful thinking. But Really. It's liek there's a wall followed by a hill. And once I get through the wall, I can go down the hill and just avoid the obstacles, and streamline to gain speed. But the wall feels like it's made out of steel-reinforced rubber. The harder I charge at it, the further back I bounce, and then I have o take a few steps back to have enough running space to build up momentum. It's just so frustrating.

Oh well.

Today, my name is Gabe

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Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!