Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lady Mondegreen

Exercise: Incapacitated at the mo'
Voice: Breathing
Reading: Makin' absolutely certain I've got Stevie down pat
Participation: 100
Explanation(if above 89): Meisner went well today. I did sorta slobber all over Fiona, but it went well, and progress was made.

So. I'm very frustrated at life. And people. And things. I feel somewhat guilty for taking it out on other people (Sorry, Javi) but then there are the people I *want* to take it out on, but didn't. Dzheezus Kroeest. I learned the terror that is Katelin. Etc. Etc. Etc. Alas, I may not be in tomorrow, to take care of my frickin' foot. If walking doesn't work, I won't be in. :/

Today, my name is Alexander.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Exercise: Mile run in 9:35, brisk walk for about an hour
Voice: Breath control on a single note
Reading: Finishing up memorizing the new Stevie
Participation: 100
Explanation(if above 89): Got a massive headache toward the end, but learned a bit more about the camera. Yay.

No. I have vented already, and now have nothing to say.

Today, my name is

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A toot of time

Exercise: Oops
Voice: Always. High range practice today
Reading: Doin' my darndest to memorize a doubled part in Stick River.
Explanation(if above 89):Meisner was nice today. It felt good to get back to it, and not suck quite so hard as last year.

I'm starting to feel the growth that's occurred over the past year. I'm feeling a lot less like I have to show everyone everything about me in two seconds. Basically, it feels like shoes. Last year, they had that obnoxious bump underneath the arch, but after wearing them for a while, it's starting to wear down. It's getting more and more comfortable to wear my shoes. I mean, I probably need to relace them a coupla times and take a hammer to the stubborn bits, but I may be able to go for short hikes now.

Okay, metaphor aside, I'm feeling optimistic. Going back to Meisner was marvelous, and I can feel a distinctive difference between what I did today, and what I did last year with Rachel and such.

Now I just need to figure out what the Hubbard Street Dance Company I'm doing for my art piece.

Today, my name is Gabriel. That's right, bitches. I can stop time with one toot. Wait...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Et sanctum nomen

Exercise:3 rounds of 8 reps of bicep curls (6 pound weights?) plus forearm curls
Voice:Quia Fecit Mihi Magna
Reading:Oops. Need to get back on that
Explanation(if above 89):Well, didn't really have class, so yeah.

I'm at a loss. Well, not 100%, but today was such an incredibly boring day. Chelsea and I sat in graphic arts for an hour and a half. Felt like frickin' ages. We had nothing to do. Then we had to leave because they get out one period earlier. So we got Williams to let us stay there.

I'm really glad to have my keyboard back, though. I missed it. I can has musics again. :D

Today, my name is Volleyball Kid #2

Monday, April 20, 2009

Advance Australia Fair

Exercise: Brisk walk w/dad. 30 minutes
Voice: Practicing melisma, using Bach and soul music. 20 minutes
Reading:Oedipus Rex. 10 minutes. Heh. 30 20 10. *GEEK*
Explanation(if above 89):N/A

So, missed school today. Still gonna do the journal. Since I remembered it. Went to a local coffee house with my dad today. 'Twas pleasant. On the way back someone has a clear plastic box with some sheets of paper in it and a sign reading, "Free Poetry-Take One." I did indeed take one. It's rather boring stuff. The typical "What are angels like?" Sort of poetry. The topics most amateur poets start with, in my experience. Though, my Dad informs me, the lady writing it thinks very highly of herself, and seems to have been writing poetry for a while. My response? Meh. Well, can't wait to be back in theatre, though it has been great to spend an extra couple of days with Dad. *sigh* Ah well.

Today, my name is Gabe

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Pesach!

Exercise: I ended up caring and cooking for a sick mother
Voice: See above
Reading: See above above
Participation: 100
Explanation(if above 89): And so it begins. So long, Midsummer. Rest well.

So, the more I think about it, the more I like the feature-length movie idea for next year.
- Film credit
- Oodles of acting training
- Learning film acting
- Free publicity
- Learn what it's like to work under a director you're not friends with

So yeah. I think I'm officially in favor.

Today, my name is Aaron


Voice:Do the iTunes shuffle!
Reading:About 4 pages of Oedipus Rex.
Explanation(if above 89): We did the photoshoot. I put on *more* makeup. *sigh*

So, I totally blanked on this last night, so I'm rushedly tapping it out before eating. Yeah. I desperately need something to do for the remainder of the week. Help! I'm Allllll Aloneeee!!!!

Today, my name is Arthur

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm All Alone

Exercise:*sigh* No I did not get any. I forgot that I need it now that Midsummer is over.
Voice:Songs for a New World. Actually managed the F. But I need a G!
Explanation(if above 89):Well, we sort of did a verbal communal post-mortem, reflecting on the show as a whole. 'Twas sweet.

So, my main complaint is not with the inherent fact that the show is over, but that life is now required to return back to the way it was. It's only day 1, and I'm bored, tired, unproductive, and most of all, lonely. I've gone from hanging with some of my best friends for hours every day to be being utterly and completely alone. Mom had choir today, so she was only here for a bit to grab dinner. Other than that, my only company has been Chelsea (Thank you!), and my friend Anna asking me about how to get rid of a guy she doesn't want. I need something to do.

Well, I may have something, but not until May. Looking at taking a music theory course at Middlesex for the first semester of summer. Should be cool.

Yeah, my mom just said on the phone to Paul that I'm going through post-show withdrawal. About accurate. HELP MEEEE!

Today, my name is Raven Blood Black Fire Onyx Miasma Soul Breaker.

On the inside.