Monday, April 19, 2010

What? N3RD is over???

So, I suppose I'd better do this, if not to have an effect on my grade, then to get back in the habit.

100 for today for beginning the arduous trek of a post-mortem.  And for teaching the newbies what one is.

So I had Philo today.  It was nice to be back knowing that I will be at all rehearsals until the performance.  I've established that I don't really enjoy *singing* Arvo Part, but I like the music enough to suffer through it for the final product.  Faure is a tad difficult.  Fosse is just odd.  I think I like the Faure the best.  But what can you do.  Aladren, I hope you're well enough to come see my concert.  But by no means strain yourself to come.  That would be worse than not coming.  I don't think it's polite to give birth at concerts.

Here's hoping you've still got some semblance of a sense of humor.

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Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!