Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lindsay Olives

PG= 100
Thank you so much for the senior periods to work on showcase.  Today was really helpful.  I'm really close to having complete understanding, and I'm getting into the right mindset for how to produce something that will work.

Theatre Journal:
Showcasey stuff, as you said I could do.  I'm trying really hard to just vomit.  I'm starting in the area I suppose I"m most comfortable, the music.  This evening I've established three possibilities for music.  I hope to come up with several more, and hopefully of more varied style.  Maybe.  It could be that the reason I'm only coming up with this sort of thing is that it's what works in my mind.  Anyways, next thing to tackle is figuring out if I want any additional text, which I believe I do.  Once again, vomiting like a firehose onto a piece of paper is the goal.  I'm not going to tackle the dance portion until I stop hurting quite so much from, well dance.

Dance Journal:
Luckily, feeling a little bit better every day.  Not too thrilled about the gap smack in the middle, but I'm very happy with the two periods a day.  Warmups hurt like a bitch today, with the lower back stretch against the wall.  Improv went well though.  It's strange, there are many analogs between dance and theatre, but improv isn't one of them.  At least, not yet.  So far it's a totally different experience.  I'm just curious as to why I'm so twitchy with my eyes closed.  Whoa.  Flashback.

Gabe Journal:
I'm very happy for Chelsea.  Her internship is happening.  I am a slob.  My room is terrifying.  I'm going up to Purchase for Yom Kippur tomorrow.  Three hours in transit.  I will be bored out of my mind.  Talking to mom about college prices.  I've got the extremes going on: CalArts at, what, $50,000?  And Montclair at an almost guaranteed free ride.  Oh, god, I have to get my SATs 20 points higher.  Now the goal is to get them 120 points higher.  That may be rough.  Eek.  I need to go for a bike ride.  Get some fresh air.

1 comment:

Oh! Someone's saying something! Sweet!